The “Symptoms” of a Spiritual Awakening

The dictionary defines symptoms as follows:


  1. a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.
  2. an indication of the existence of something, especially of an undesirable situation.

I’m always rather taken aback when I read people equating ‘symptoms’ with spiritual awakening as the two terms would appear, on the surface anyway, to be completely antithetical.

For instance, take an example of the Kundalini Awakening. Sages throughout time, in the tradition of that 5000-year old wisdom body that is Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Shakta Tantrashastra, have described point-blank the positive physical and mental manifestations that occur when Kundalini awakens within a physical vehicle. You can read more on that here. What happens when your Kundalini is awakened?

They have also warned of what the opposite looks like, what symptoms of imbalance would look like if one sought to push too forcefully through complex knots of consciousness still tied up in samskara.

We never hear stories of those legendary wisdom warriors throughout time who have walked before us on the path of the spiritual, leaving breadcrumbs for any who would follow – we never, ever, ever hear stories of the physical imbalances they suffered with during their awakening. We hear quite a different set of stories, even if, as Buddha was to die of food poisoning later, they all did suffer with every manner of physical disease and discomfort after their enlightenment. Why? Because they’re human. Everyone’s symptoms of disease and imbalance are different. They’re the results of our lifestyle and habits, right? Here’s to keeping it real.

Hey, as this question so often shares reference with Kundalini, you might enjoy this, too. What is Kundalini?