Neti. Neti.
Not this. Not this.
No this or that. Finished.
The Technique
Take any comfortable position on your bed. Close your eyes and go inside. When you see the thought, simply acknowledge it.
Neti. Neti.
This is not it.
This is not the One I is looking for. I Am. I isn’t.
When mind carries the next thought across the blank backdrop – again;
Neti. Neti.
Not this one either.
Neither is this what I is looking for. Acknowledge it and send it on its way.
The thoughts will be produced more slowly. Until only the thinker remains. And this, too, is not it.
Neti. Neti.
Not this. Not this.
You will go deeper and deeper, further and further until you merge with the backdrop and understand; it is all just a backdrop for Bhagwan. I is not. I Am and am not.
You cannot use a guided meditation in the most commonly understood sense of the term. That is, something like a recording of someone’s voice. This will forever keep you on the surface, listening.
You must guide yourself to that point at which you cannot guide anymore, until you is ready to let I take over.
Neti. Neti.
What is the truth?
I will give up seeking quickly in the light of this question and a new condition inexplicable will arise. This is what you seeks. Stay there. Otherwise,
Neti. Neti.

…is a Saiva Tantrika, Gyana Yogi and founder of Uma Maheshwara Yoga & Ayurveda. David has an MA in Semiotics, lives in Japan with his family and works as a coach in L & D, devoting his time to developing science-based tools and programs that help people reach the fullest potential of the human condition.